Trusting Your Team: Exploring the Freedom and Responsibility Culture at Netflix

(Photo by Luca Sammarco from Pexels)


The company Netflix is renowned for its distinctive and creative culture. Its culture strongly emphasizes the idea of "Freedom and Responsibility". This way of thinking promotes autonomy in decision-making and holds staff members accountable for their actions. This blog post will cover why Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture succeeds and how businesses can develop a thriving and flourishing culture with similar strategies.

About Netflix

As a company that invented the idea of renting DVDs by mail, Netflix was founded in 1997. It came up with the novel idea of charging a fixed monthly fee. The phenomenon of the corner video rental store subsequently began to disappear. The following table displays the number of Netflix subscribers over time (Lifewire, 2022) Figure 1:

Figure 1: Total number of paid Netflix subscribers from the first quarter of 2013 to the fourth quarter of 2022 (in millions). (Source

Culture at Netflix

The core value of Netflix's culture is "People over process." This fundamental philosophy ensures that every employee works as a dream team, fostering flexibility, creativity, and cooperation.

Schein's three layers of culture (Barney & Hesterly, 2021) are reflected in some of Netflix's cultural characteristics. At the level of artifacts and behaviors, Netflix's culture is centered on producing high-quality content and risk-taking and is dedicated to customer satisfaction.

To adhere to this philosophy, Netflix's (NetflixCulture, 2022) distinctive culture deck is based on below components:

  • People Empowerment Netflix empowers employees to make their own career choices. It shares its experiences, best practices, and challenges to improve lives. Netflix's elimination of annual reviews ensured performance discussions within the company.

  • Transparency Netflix values transparency and respect. It values employee feedback and encourages sharing. “Sugarcoating feedback defeats its purpose,” said Netflix’s former Chief Talent Officer Patty McCord.

  • Friendship Netflix considers entertainment and friendship as basic human needs. These elements create a joyful, empathetic workplace. It ensures teamwork and success without micromanagement. Netflix promotes freedom and responsibility, which Silicon Valley companies have adopted.

  • Hire the Best Netflix believes success comes from high talent density. So the company hires and pays top performers. “One great person would do the work of many. "But we'd pay them tremendously," says CEO Reed Hastings (Goudreau, 2013).

  • Avoid Rules Netflix has always defied convention. Disruptive culture distinguishes it from competitors. Blockbuster lost its DVD rent-by-mail business model. Netflix went streaming. Netflix succeeded after this disruptive move.

Netflix’s Valued Behaviors

Unlike other businesses, Netflix maintains absolute values, where employees receive compensation or are let go. They divided their values based on the particular traits and abilities they desired. Accordance with Reed Hastings, a co-founder who started the business in 1997. According to him, their actual company values are behaviour and skills. 

Netflix's core values are broken down into 9 Valued Behaviours to help its employees understand (Venngage, 2021).

Figure 2: The values of a successful business model (Source

Netflix's Culture: What Can We Learn?

Netflix values are only present in emotionally intelligent, self-aware, ego-free individuals. Leaders and employees must be honest with themselves and others to create a collaborative, performance-driven team. Hiring "rockstar" performers with bad attitudes will poison the business. Honesty matters. Adults may not like being brutally honest, but they understand its importance. It's uncomfortable but builds trust and understanding and strong teams.

Freedom and Responsibility Benefits.

"Freedom and Responsibility" culture has many advantages. First, it lets workers work at their own pace and style, increasing productivity and creativity. Second, it promotes ownership and accountability, improving decision-making and outcomes. Third, it fosters a culture of trust that encourages long-term employment.

  • Faster decision-making: Netflix can respond faster to market changes by giving employees more autonomy

  • Increased creativity and innovation: Allowing employees to experiment and take risks boosts creativity and innovation

  • Higher employee morale and engagement: Netflix creates a culture of ownership and accountability by letting employees make their own decisions

  • More robust performance: Holding employees accountable for their decisions motivates them to meet goals and perform well

Figure 3: Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility (Youtube)

How to Implement a "Freedom and Responsibility" Culture

A "Freedom and Responsibility" culture requires a mindset and leadership change. Leaders must trust employees to make decisions and take responsibility. They should set expectations and provide resources and support but let employees decide how to achieve goals. To help employees grow, companies should give regular feedback and support. Transparency and open communication are also crucial. Employees should feel comfortable discussing company goals and performance. Netflix's company culture encourages employees to take ownership and build trust through transparency (Allgaier, 2016).

  1. Values are genuinely valued
  2. Only accept high performance
  3. Give employees freedom and make them responsible
  4. Create context, don’t control
  5. Align strategies and goals
  6. Pay top of the market
  7. Encourage informal development

Challenges in "Freedom and Responsibility" Culture

"Culture of fear": Former Netflix employees have called the company's culture a "culture of fear," (Browne, 2018) where employees fear being fired if they make mistakes or take risks. This fear can inhibit creativity and thought diversity. 

Netflix has a relatively flat organisational structure (Anderson, 2019), which may limit some employees' opportunities for advancement. Those who want to advance within the company may find this discouraging.


In summary, Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture is a distinctive and cutting-edge approach to organisational culture that has produced significant business results. Netflix has developed a culture of trust, accountability, and creativity by empowering employees to work independently, make decisions, and take ownership of their work. By employing comparable procedures,

Please share your ideas about "Netflix's culture"  in the comments section.


Allgaier, A. (2016). 7 aspects of Netflix’s company culture that you’ll want to copy. [online] Available from: [Accessed on 2 April 2023].

Anderson, D. (2019). Netflix Inc.’s Organizational Structure & Its Strategic Implications - Rancord Society, Rancord Society. [online] Available from: [Accessed on 2 April 2023].

Barney, J. B., & Hesterly, W. S. (2021). Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases. Pearson Education.

Browne, R. (2018). At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks. [online] Available from: [Accessed on 2 April 2023].

Goudreau, J. (2013). Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Explains His Culture Deck. [online] Available from:
[Accessed on 1 April 2023].

Lifewire. (2022). What Is Netflix? What You Need to Know About This Streaming Service. Lifewire. [online] Available from: [Accessed on 3 April 2023].

NetflixCulture. (2022). Seeking Excellence (no date) Netflix Jobs [online] Available from:
[Accessed on 2 April 2023].

Statista. (2022). Netflix: number of subscribers worldwide 2022. [online] Available from:
[Accessed on 3 April 2023].

Venngage. (2021). How it Redefined Employee Success - Venngage (2021) [online] Available from: [Accessed on 2 April 2023].


  1. This article drags us to good point of view Niluka .In fact, employees are encouraged to move forward on projects that they believe in, even if their bosses disagree. In the spirit of Netflix Freedom and Responsibility, the company urges its employees not to make decisions that will please their boss, but ones that will benefit the company. Our goal is to inspire people more than manage them. We want our teams to do what is best for Netflix. This, in turn, generates a sense of responsibility, accountability and self-discipline that drives us to do great work. Employees are actively involved, can ask questions, offer ideas, and candidly discuss issues. This ensures employees feel valued and committed to the company's mission. Clear Strategy. Netflix wants its employees to think independently and make decisions on their own. At every level, the leader's main job is to provide clear and complete context to create autonomous thinkers. With the right information, employees are given the confidence to make great decisions.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Glad that you found the information helpful. Netflix's innovative approach to employee empowerment and autonomy is worth further investigating. Furthermore, we can implement different practices like this in our local businesses. It is fascinating to observe how the organisation encourages employees to think for themselves and make their judgments rather than merely following directions. This strategy instills in employees a strong sense of duty and accountability, eventually benefiting the whole organization. Thank you once more for your input!

  2. The article explains how Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture, which fosters a climate of trust, accountability, and creativity, has been successful in generating notable commercial achievements. By allowing staff members to work independently, make choices, and take responsibility for their job, this culture is created. Organisations must promote a culture of trust and openness that supports employees' initiative and decision-making if they want to use comparable methods. In addition to providing resources and holding staff members accountable for their tasks, leaders should communicate properly. It is critical to foster a culture where staff members feel encouraged to take risks and innovate. In general, businesses that wish to encourage creativity, innovation, and employee involvement may find that having a culture of freedom and responsibility is advantageous.

    1. Thank you Udesh for contributing your thoughts! Cultivating a culture of trust, openness, and accountability helps stimulate employee initiative and decision-making. Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture illustrates this, resulting in noteworthy commercial successes. It's something to think about for other businesses aiming to foster creativity and innovation.

  3. This is a well-written and informative blog post that explores Netflix's unique corporate culture, focusing on the benefits of their "Freedom and Responsibility" approach. The post covers the company's history, values, and practices, and provides insights into how businesses can develop a similar culture. Overall, it is an engaging and valuable read for anyone interested in organizational culture and leadership.

    1. Thank you Chaminda for your thoughtful comment! I'm delighted you found the content interesting and instructive. Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" corporate culture approach is unmistakable and successful. Organisational culture and leadership are essential topics to investigate

  4. This is a well-written and informative blog post on Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture, highlighting the benefits and challenges of implementing such a culture in an organization. However, the post could have delved deeper into the potential negative effects of a culture that emphasises individual freedom and autonomy over process and structure.

    My question is: How can a company balance the need for individual freedom and autonomy with the need for structure and process to ensure that employees are held accountable and that business goals are being met?

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful response to my blog post on Netflix's "Freedom and Responsibility" culture. Balancing individual freedom and autonomy with structure and process may be complicated for businesses seeking to build a culture of innovation and trust while meeting business objectives.

      One way to achieve this balance is to establish clear goals, performance measurements, and accountability measures that correspond with the company's overarching mission and values. This creates a framework for individual freedom and autonomy while also guaranteeing that employees are all working towards the same goals and are held accountable for their activities.

      Another strategy is to create clear communication channels and feedback mechanisms that allow employees to express input and get feedback on their job. This can provide employees the confidence to make decisions while ensuring that they align with the company's goals and standards.

      Companies must also periodically examine and change their culture and processes to ensure they can still effectively reach their objectives. This entails being open to the employee and consumer feedback and experimenting with different approaches to see what works best.

      Overall, striking the proper balance between individual freedom and autonomy and structure and process necessitates continual attention and a readiness to adapt and grow.

  5. Very interesting article about the culture of NetFlix Niluka. While Netflix's culture deck highlights its commitment to transparency, empowerment, and innovation, it has faced criticism for its approach to employee compensation and culture. In 2018, a group of former and current Netflix employees wrote a letter to the company's CEO, Reed Hastings, expressing concern about the company's approach to compensation and diversity (Morris, 2018). The employees argued that the company's focus on hiring and promoting only the "best" employees perpetuates a culture of elitism and limits diversity.

    Additionally, the company has faced criticism for its "unlimited vacation" policy, which some argue actually discourages employees from taking time off (Kosoff, 2015). Critics argue that without set vacation days, employees may feel guilty or pressured to continue working even when they should take time off.

    Furthermore, while Netflix has been lauded for its approach to risk-taking and innovation, some argue that this culture can lead to a lack of accountability and oversight. In 2018, the company faced controversy over its handling of the show "Master of None" and allegations of sexual misconduct against its star, Aziz Ansari. Some critics argued that the company's focus on creativity and risk-taking led to a lack of accountability in addressing the allegations (Framke, 2018).

    In conclusion, while Netflix's culture deck highlights many positive values, including transparency, innovation, and empowerment, it is not without its criticisms. The company's approach to compensation and diversity, vacation policies, and accountability are all areas where the company has faced scrutiny. As with any company, it is important to critically examine the values and practices espoused by Netflix and assess how they align with broader societal values and goals.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful response to the Netflix culture article. While Netflix has been praised for its innovative culture, it has also been criticised for its compensation and diversity policies, vacation policies, and accountability. Companies must reflect on their values and practices to align with broader societal goals. As a blogger, I believe investigating corporate culture's positive and negative aspects can lead to more informed discussions about creating positive and inclusive workplaces.

  6. Yes, An internal crisis was announced by Netflix organisation of adhocracy culture which changed the prices of its product which combined mail order DVD with video streaming and it let to many unsubscriptions. Later, introduction of Qwikster led to further decline of the stock price and the embracement of transformational leadership rectified the situation which enhanced the stock price to hike up to USD 480 per share (Bowers, Hall and Srinivasan, 2017).

    1. Thank you Aashiq for sharing your comments on Netflix's adhocracy culture. It is interesting to see how the company's pricing experiments and the introduction of Qwikster led to stock price declines but how the implementation of transformational leadership helped to correct the situation and boost the stock price. It is an excellent example of how adapting to change and continuously improving, even in the face of setbacks, is critical.


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